Monday, January 27, 2020

Holistic care, Holistic therapies and nursing.

Holistic care, Holistic therapies and nursing. Holistic care refers to addressing all aspects of the person including body, mind, and spirit . A holistic approach links mainstream medical treatments with both traditional and emotional health. Holistic medicine is a part of health care which maintains a cooperative relationship among all those involved, which leads to optimal satisfaction of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health. It highlights the necessity to view the person as a whole and that includes analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values. Holistic therapies also referred to as complimentary therapies have been long-standing practices in nursing and act as an appendage to traditional medical and nursing therapies.   They include massage theraphy, nutritional therapy and hydrotherapy.  Ã‚  Nurses have combined touch care, as well as Reiki, a mix of both energy work and touch, into practice. Concern for providing more effective pain and chronic disease management has led many health care institutions to offer nutritional therapy, yoga,meditation, spiritual learning and mind-body programs for disease management.  Ã‚  Nurses are working alongside a hierarchy of providers from medical specialists, massage therapists, acupuncturists and behavioral psychologists.   Holistic nursing is a way of thinking, reflecting, practicing, and being as a whole human being. Holistic nursing care practice requires nurses to integrate self-care, self-responsibility, spirituality, and emotional wellbeing. This may resut in greater awareness of the inter-connectivity with self, family friends, environment, and god. This awareness may further improve the nurses understanding of all individuals and their relationships to the human and outside world, and permits nurses to use this awareness to facilitate the healing process. Holistic nursing includes all nursing practice that has enhancement of healing of the whole person from birth to death as its goal. Holistic nursing recognizes that there are two views regarding holism: that holism involves identifying the interrelationships of the person, recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum of the individuals; and that it involves understanding the individual as a unit mutually inclusive with the environment. Every individual case has a patient at its centre.The patient lives within a social,psychological,economic and relational environment.The major factors which influences the patient are pychological,emotional,financial,legal,scientific,educational and religious as below. Rationale and Case Study Having discussed the different approaches to patient care, the important aspects of nursing management, and the various theoretical models of patient management, we move on to considering the appropriate nursing approach for a an Italian woman 92 years diagnosed with Dementia bipolar, diabetes type 2, epilepsy having problems of eating disorder.She has no much educational background , married in 1941at the age of 25, came to UK in 1965. She has a daughter and a son with 4 grand children. Demography epidemiology Bipolar disorder and  dementia  are two conditions that often go hand in hand. The risk of developing depressive and manic episodes was increased in patients with dementia. Both disorders have a multidimensional nature. Mood and cognition are considered the core problems in bipolar disorder and Dementia, respectively. However, in recent years, more relay has been given to the behavioral features of Dementia, which are often difficult to manage than cognitive impairment. Thus, in addition to such mood symptoms as euphoria, lability, irritability, anxiety, and dysphoria, recent studies have reported the following behavioral signs in Dementia: agitation, overactivity, aggression, apathy, affective lability,euphoria, disinhibition, impaired self-regulation, and psychosis. Moreover, patients with dementia often have problems with money management, spendthrift or donating money to strangers. Most consider signs and symptoms of mania in AD(Alzheimer disease) as secondary to its neurodegenerative processs  but mood symptoms may also be central and can reflect exacerbations from previous temperament. We emphasize that altered mood symptoms clearly affect perception of real situations and cognition thinking.It has been reported that deterioration in bipolar disorder is associated with mixed episodes and rapid cycling, which often tends to be the clinical presentation of dementia.[    Pathophysiology In neuroanatomical studies, alterations in the hippocampus have been reported in both disorders, with more obvious degeneration in AD. Perhaps the most striking difference between both disorders is that the disease process in AD occurs when the brain is much more vulnerable due to aging. Excessive glutamatergic activity is possibly central to both disorders, as shown by the benefits from drugs that either inhibit glutamate release or block glutamate receptors (eg, topiramate ) including acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Cortisol-induced neurotoxicity and dysregulation in the HPA-axis have also been postulated as a central role in the pathophysiological processes in both disease(dementia bipolar) Epidemiology The number of people with dementia is steadily increasing.   Alzheimers Society believes that careful planning is the order of the future to ensure that the right care and support is available. There are currently about 750,000 people in the UK with a form of dementia with over 16,000 people under 65 with dementia in the UK  .One in 14 people over 65 years of age and one in six people over 80 years of age has a form of dementia Prevalence and incidence  Ã‚   When talking about demography it is important to differntiate between prevalence overall cases both old and new, with which dementia occurs in the population, and incidence new cases of dementia in a given time period. The well established prevalence rates for dementia in the UK are: 40-64 years:  1 in 1400 65-69 years:  1 in 100 70-79  years:  1 in 25 80+ years:  1 in 6 (Source : Alzheimers society, UK.) Projected figures   There is a rough estimate that by 2021 there will be one million people with dementia in the UK and Is expected to increase to over 1.7 million people(3% of UK population) with dementia by 2051.   Many people talk about the demographic time bomb or tidal wave of older people, which the state cannot afford to cater for. However the society believes that these reports are misleading.A steady, rather than exponential growth is expected over the next 25 years. The Societys contribution to the Royal Commission on Long Term Care highlights the belief that the state can provide for peoples needs as they age. The National Dementia Strategy in England and similar work underway in Wales and Northern Ireland are very vital steps to ensure the people needs with dementia be properly addressed in years to come. Belief values Core Values of Holistic Nursing The current Standards of Holistic Nursing are based on five Core Values of practice: 1) Holistic Philosophy and Education 2) Holistic Ethics, Theories, and Research 3) Holistic Nurse Self-Care; 4) Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Environment and Cultural Competence 5) Holistic Caring Process. These core values represent the essence of holistic nursing and are each necessary for holistic practice in the management of dementia in older people with comorbidity such as diabetes typeII and epilepsy. Core value 1, addresses that holistic nursing is based on a framework under philosophical guidelines embracing holism and a commitment to education, reflection, and knowledge. Core value 2, reiterates that professional nursing is less effective in theory, informed by research and bound by ethical guidelines to guide a competent, thoughtful, and principled holistic practice. Core value 3,is based on the belief that nurses must engage in integrating self-care to promote health and self awareness so that the nurse may act as an instrument of healing. Core value 4   addresses the requirement for nurses to engage with clients to promote mutually-determined goals for health and healing. Lastly, Core Value 5, emphasizes an evolution in the nursing practice to embrace assessment and therapeutic care addressing client patterns, problems, and needs in an atmosphere of caring (4). Cultural values and belief Beliefs and practices influenced by culture can affect patient outcome and satisfaction .the increasing cultural diversity may present challenges in trans-cultural ethical decision making for nurses .ethical dilemma may arise from lack of understanding of language, procedures ,expectations and other elements of nature that may lead to unclear decisions.Thus by Incorporating culture assessment into care facilitates better understanding of factors that influence patients health behavior and decisions. Researchers from School of Nursing in Hong kong surveyed nurses in different cultural settings and suggested five broad guiding principles for reviewing ethical perception of cultural values and beliefs: Respect for persons Beneficience Justice Respect for community Contextual caring. The Director and Board of Dementia Voice had, in about 1996, become aware of a developing but uncoordinated interest in the spiritual care of people with dementia. They wanted their statement to affirm a holistic approach, which sees care of the spirit as the essence of, and resulting from, good care practice. They wanted to speak to everyone irrespective of their religious faith. They have therefore used non-religious language with the intention that it is inclusive of both secular and religious understanding. The spirituality of people with dementia, and their families, carers and the professionals who work with them is therefore of the greatest importance. Professional issues The AHNA Standards of Holistic Nursing Practice also referred to as Standards provide guidance for nursing care that meets the intent of the description of holistic nursing a care that has enhancement of healing of the whole person (from birth to death) (4). The Standards grew from an interest in describing holistic nursing, and in articulating the values, skills and knowledge required for its practice. Unlike speciality practice defined by a client group (pediatric nursing) or a disease category (oncology nursing), holistic nursing is practiced by nurses in virtually every area of care. The speciality is based on practice that recognizes the body-mind-spirit connection of persons, and demands its practitioners integrate self-care and self-responsibility into their own lives. In holistic nursing, wellness-illness and health-disease neither mutually exclusive ,nor polar opposite, but are part of the process and the healthcare.Newman and her colleagues identified that proper focus of nursing is caring and described it as whole,unitary and transformatory.Many disciplines claim caring as a part of the profession ,but only nursing has both caring and health as itsgoal. Caring is a constant specific interpersonal process that is characterized by expert nursing practice, interpersonal process, interpersonal sensitivity, and intimate relationships Nurses can focus caring through empowerement in 6 main categories; Respecting the patient Not taking the patients behavior personally Keeping the patient safe Encouraging the patients health Authentic leadership Interactive reading. Professional ethical decisions Nurses are confronted daily with the need to make professional and personal ethical decisions. This process requires an ongoing evaluation and assimilation of information and have formed a five step process of making ethical decision mainly 1. articulating the problem 2. gathering data and identifying conflicting claims of moral values 3. exploring strategies 4. Implementing strategy 5. Evaluating outcome of the action Legal and Ethical Issues Healthcare providers must adhere to the law.All nurses are responsible and accountable to comply with nursing practice act as well as the rule and regulation of the board in the state where they are licensed and work. Supporting a patients right and ability to make choices is an essential element of holistic nursing practice and holistic ethics. Advance medical directives The patient self-determination act, effective December 1991requires that all individuals receiving medical care also receive written informationabout there right to refuse medical or surgical treatment and their right to initiate advance directives.advance directives are instructions that induct healthcare intervention to initiate or withhold or designate someone who will act as a proxy in making a decision in the event the decision making capacity is lost. Advance directives are of two types: Treatment directives(living will) Appointment directives (Power of attorney). A living will specifies the medical treatment that a patient wishes to refuse in the event that he/she is terminally ill and cannot make those decisions.A power of attorney for healthcare appoints a proxy or surrogate to make the medical decisions on behalf of the patient if he/she can no longer make such decisions. Advance medical directive in the form of living will or power of attorney is a cornerstone in proxy management of end stage of Dementia with bipolar disorders as they lose decision making ability. As part of the patient assessment , an holistic nurse may consider asking the, following questions Have you discussed your end of life choices with your family or designated surrogate? Do you have basic information about advanced medical directives? Do you wish to initiate it? If you have already prepared an advance medical directive, can you provide it now? Informed consent As nursing is inherently a moral endeavour,nurses may exacerbate challenges in making the right decision and taking the right action.The process of informed consent of medical and other treatment provides the opportunity for the patient to choose a course of action regarding healthcare plans. An informal consent must include the following: The nature of health cancerns and prognosis if nothing is done Description of all treatment options Benefits, risks an consequences of various treatment a options including non-intervention. Holistic nurses who offer alternate modalities should explain the int.., and disease risks, expected effects and benefits and treatment options prior to initiating theraphy. Informed consent in research refers to freely choosing to participate in a research study after the research purpose ,commitment ,risks and benefits, anonymity and invasion of privacy.Nurses who assist with research need to be familiar with elements of informe consent.A particular area of concern is protection of human rights, in research studies focus on vulnerable population such as elderly, challenged, pregnant, disabled persons and terminally ill. Thus Informed consent plays a vital role in development of novel research methodologies and an holistic nurse should follow the above mentioned guidelines in getting an informed consent from the patient. Nurses are accountable to professional stanards, for reporting research findings. An important consideration in this regard is the ethical treatment of data which demonstrates the integrity of research protocols and honesty in reporting data Policy Three major policy face holistic nursing in the future: Reimbursement Regulation Access Access There are many barriers to the access of holistic therapies providing yet another challenges for holistic nursing.They include: Lack of awareness Uncertainity about their effectiveness Inability to pay for them Limited availability of qualified providers. Access is normally difficult for rural population, uninsured, racial and ethnic minorities and vulnerable population such as elderly and terminally ill.Holistic nursing have a responsibility to educate the public more fully about health promoters,completely moderate to assist people in making informal chance among healthcare alternatives and individual providers They need to ensure quality, increased focus on wellness and access and affordability to all. Reimbursement Public or private policies in relation to coverage and reimbursement for healthcare expenditure play a crucial role in shaping the healthcare system and in deciding the future of health promotion and holistic medicine in the nations healthcare system.holistic nurses need to work with Medicare and other third party payers,insurance groups,oards of nursing,healthcare policy makers to ensure that holistic nurses are reimbursed appropriately for services rendered. Regulation Thus by developing theoretical and empirical knowledge as well as caring and healing approaches ,holistic nurses will advance holistic nursing practice and education and contribute significantly to the formalization and credibility of this work and in integrating a more holistic approach in nursing practice and health care. Access to an informed care and reimbursement for hospice care is the requirement in the elderly patients with late stage onset dementia as the patient is terminally ill. Resources In caring for individuals, those who have negative health beliefs and attitude, an effective resource and perhaps a strategy would be to develop a social support network. The social support network of the patient can strengthen and facilitate healthy patient choices. Cognitive strengthening through training in assertiveness, relation, imagery, problem solving, good s coping skills. Patient interaction with community agencies and self-help group may also be appropriate. Encouraging involvement of family an friends with recommended theraphy or value clarification session increase and strengthen social support. Because Alzheimers disease is  incurable  and progressive, most holistic treatments focus on enhancing the persons quality of life; for example, some might suggest using memory books and other strategies to reduce the impact of  symptoms. A Florida State University researcher found memory books, which might include notes, photos and other keepsakes, can help reconnect Alzheimers indiviuals with their loved ones. Although the research on holistic approaches remains limited, it suggests everything from pet therapy to art therapy can improve quality of life for those with Alzheimers. A 2006 study, for example, reported older people with  dementia  showed less  agitation  and had more positive social interactions when they interacted with an animal daily; however, the duration of the benefit was not established, nor was it proven that an animal living with the individuals had more impact than a visiting animal. A holistic approach can also include the use of herbs and supplements, such as  Ginkgo biloba  and  omega-3 fatty acids. Conclusion In this study, we reflect back at the various holistic goals set to provide care for an Italian woman 92 years diagnosed with Dementia bipolar, diabetes type 2, epilepsy having problems of eating disorder.She has no much educational background , married in 1941at the age of 25, came to UK in 1965. She has a daughter and a son with 4 grand children. Based on the projected figures it is estimated that by 2021 there will be one million people with dementia in the UK with expected to rise to over 1.7 million people with dementia by 2051.  This is often referred to as a demographic tidal bomb. There has been a developing but uncoordinated interest in the spiritual care of people with dementia.Thus the spirituality of people with dementia, and their families, carers and the professionals who work with them is therefore of the greatest importance in an holistic care towards dementia. Advance medical directive in the form of living will or power of attorney is a cornerstone in proxy management of end stage of Dementia with bipolar disorders as they lose decision making ability. Informed consent also plays a role in development of novel research methodologies and an holistic nurse should follow the above mentioned guidelines in getting an informed consent from the patient. As alzheimers disease is  incurable  and progressive, most holistic treatments focus on enhancing the persons quality of life by using memory books, which might include notes, photos and other keepsakes which can help reconnect Alzheimers indiviuals with their loved ones. Access to an informed care and reimbursement for hospice care is the requirement in the above case study as the patient is terminally ill belonging to an ethnic minority. Thus holistic nursing needs to ensure quality, increased focus on wellness and access and affordability to all.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of terror and violence Essay

Certainly terror and violence can be said to have played an integral part in bringing about the Nazi’s consolidation of power, as violence was such an important part of Nazism and was never far from the surface. However there were also other factors such as legality, tactical alliances and the successful use of propaganda which in effect contributed a vast amount to the Nazi’s consolidation of power, the Nazis deployed propaganda effectively as a means of deceiving the political nation of their real intentions and significances of their actions, which ultimately led to their consolidation of power. Terror and violence were prominent factors in allowing the Nazis to consolidate power in 1933, for the reason that violence still had an impact on political developments, even the negotiations between Hitler, Von Papen and Hindenburg took place against the backdrop of well publicized acts of SA brutality. In May 1933 SA members stormed trade union headquarters and disbanded it. This violence led many leaders of the SPD to flee abroad and in June its party was officially banned and the 3000 that remained were arrested and a number were killed. This ultimately portrays the brutality of the Nazis, which effectively contributed to their consolidation of power. After the Reichstag fire the police were given the powers to detain suspects indefinitely without reference to the courts. The decree ‘For the protection of the people and the state’ was used to justify the arrest, imprisonment and often torture of thousands of political opponents, and on 23 March 1933 Hitler presented the Enabling Act to an intimidated Reichstag in order to consolidate Nazi power. The Reichstag passed laws which voted itself out of existence; the communists were barred from voting. The brutality of the Nazis’ bought Hitler four years of a dictatorship. The Nazis managed to use terror with efficient ruthlessness and after the Enabling Act was the destruction of local state government; state governments were dissolved and ordered to reconvene with membership that reflected the recent, by the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, Jews and political opponents of the Nazis were thrown out of the civil service.? The enabling act gave Hitler dictatorial powers which consequently led to the opening of Dachau, a concentration camp outside Munich, where the Nazi’s political prisoners were held in ‘protective custody’. It also gave Hitler the power to suspend civil rights, removing the free press, freedom of speech and the right to freedom of association. It further gave Hitler the power to harass and attack the KPD and the SPD during the March 1933 elections. Political violence during this stage enabled the Nazis to win a record 43. 5% of the popular vote. This therefore highlights how the Nazi’s used terror as a way of consolidating power, as well as highlighting how the enabling act was one of the main reasons for the Nazis consolidation of power. This is because it allowed Hitler to gain dictatorial power by imprisoning his opponents, rigging elections and suspending civil rights.? Propaganda was another important tool for the consolidation of power. As Goebbels was largely responsible for bringing Hitler to the centre of the political stage, he was rewarded on 13 March 1933, with the position of Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, which gave him total control of the communications media – which was the radio, press, publishing, cinema and the other arts. From this, a new generation of manipulation was brought forth. Once the takeover was complete, the propaganda ministry was split up into several different departments. Anyone, who produced, distributed, broadcasted, published, or sold any form of cinema, media, press, or literature had to first join one of the departments and then follow all rules of the department head. That person was usually Joseph Goebbels. Therefore, without a license to practise their businesses, all artists, writers, publishers, producers, or directors could not work or do any business in their field. Also along with these guidelines, came the prohibition of all Jewish newspapers, radio, and cinema. Certainly, due to the eradication of anti-Nazi publications and media in general, the public must have felt that the general mood of all the media was pro-Nazi. Therefore by disagreeing they would step out of the public mood, and the terror of not conforming due to the total propaganda they were subjected to contributed greatly to the consolidation of power in Nazi Germany. This terror was accentuated further by direct acts of rebellion against the old order, such as the book burning during the spring of 1933. ? Goebbels’ propaganda portrayed the government’s actions as necessary to deal with a national emergency. Potsdam Day, which featured not just Hindenburg and Hitler, but also many generals, was an orchestrated piece of propaganda, aimed at demonstrating the unity and popularity of the government and the acceptance of the Nazis by traditional conservative elements. Following the success of the Nazis and Conservatives in the Reichstag elections, Potsdam Day was propagandized as a ‘day of national unity’. Hitler and Hindenburg appeared before huge crowds together to send out the message of Nazi and conservative unity, which ultimately legitimized Nazi rule. To conclude, it appears that the Nazi’s use of terror and violence played a highly significant role in the consolidation of the party’s power in 1933. Through extreme measures of propaganda and intimidation, the party was able to deal with political opponents to maintain control of people’s social, political and working lives, to the extent where Germany became a country where it was unsafe to do or say anything critical of the government. Although not all propaganda was designed for intimidation, the way Hitler consolidated power in 1933made people fearful of opposing him, granting the Nazis absolute control of national and local government.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Persuasive speech: People should support organic food production Essay

Ladies and Gentlemen, Have you ever thought about the food you eat? Of course you have, we all do. We think about the taste, the ingredients and the health benefits, but we don’t question where the food comes from and we barely think about all the chemicals and toxins added to it, because most foods that we are surrounded with are all the same, most food companies that we enjoy are not organically produced, but are just easier to obtain. We see organic food so rarely and are encouraged so rarely by it that we don’t even think of it as a priority, we just think of it as an expensive rare market. I believe that people all around the world should support organic food production. In 1983 genetically modified food was introduced to the world, and by 1996 it was found on super-market shelves worldwide. It was a huge commercial explosion. Genetically modified food is produced from plants and animals that scientists have been able to modify by changing the gene structure, which can alter foods characteristics. One of the first examples of genetically modified foods is the FlavrSavr tomato; as you know when a tomato ripens, it reddens becomes soft, and naturally rots. Scientists then chemically were able to change the gene that causes this, meaning the tomato can ripen for longer, redden for longer, and rot slower than it naturally would. One of the main reasons why we should support organic food growth productions is for the better benefits for our bodies and health. As farmers plant seeds, they slowly inject the growing food with numerous amounts of toxins to make it genetically modified/ non-organic. The worst additions would be the pesticide toxins and irradiation. Pesticides are horrible toxins used on growing plants like tomatoes and oranges, which cause health risks. The Environmental Health News found a new case study showing that â€Å"prenatal exposure to pesticides, can decrease a child’s IQ and are proven to be more harmful to boys than girls as their developing brains are much more vulnerable.† Close to the end of the process when all the toxins have been added to create a sure non-organic product, irradiation is accustomed for non-organic products as it’s meant to kill the harmful bacteria and microorganisms in the plant, however states â€Å"The purpose of  irradiation is to kill pathogens, but the ironic part is that it doesn’t kill all pathogens and certainly destroys most of the food’s good qualities. Irradiation also changes the chemical structure of the molecules within the food and can transform them into mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds that promote cancer.† All of this combined creates an awful product that I’m sure no one wants to consume. Laura Fillmore, from Gardnerville, Nevada, states in the NY Times â€Å"organic production is better for the land. Not probably better, but definitely better.† You probably don’t think about this much, because as teenagers we eat a lot of unhealthy products and although we are aware of some consequences and possibilities, we don’t seem to be very concerned about where the food comes from. Nevertheless we are concerned for the future of our planet, we want to help, we do the little things that make a difference; we recycle, we turn off the lights, we care about our future and our planet. But did you know that eating organic food can actually benefit the earth just as much? The chemicals added to the non-organic plants, suck all the nutrients out of the soil, damaging it, until it can start to restore, which can take over a hundred years. The land becomes useless, that’s why the US government is already looking for foreign land, which they could use for their farming. Due to these plantation techniques soil erosion occurs, it forms large amounts of dust in the air and when mixed with wind creates air pollution, which is v ery environmentally unfriendly, that’s why organic food is a better choice for farmers and for us to support. It’s an easy way we can help save our planet and our health. Organic food does tend to be more expensive, but if people can support organic food and demand its production, maybe we can create a better world for the next generation of people, it’s hard but it’s a goal that’s worth striving and completing! If we want to help our planet, our countries, and our selves we need think carefully about what we’re eating. We need to support organic food production we need to choose the best there is; which means the simplest. Israel, Brett, Environmental Health Sciences. â€Å"Environmental health news: Widely used pesticide seems to harm boys brains more than girls, 2012.† Accessed 18th September, 2012. Miller, Vin, Rage Wellness. â€Å"Natural bias: 7 major reasons to go organic, 2009.† Accessed 18th September, 2012. Savvy Vegetarians Inc. â€Å"What Is Organic Food and why we Should Eat It?† Accessed 19th September, 2012.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Incident Of The Local Authority Have Been Tirelessly...

Summary of the incident The Local Authority have been tirelessly working with the parents of a three year old girl on account of the child being emotionally abused by her father, as well as witnessing, and caught up in, several episodes of severe Domestic Violence between her parents. The longstanding unpredictable and aggressive behaviours of the father are said to typically become highly problematic when his complex mental health is unstable, and he relapses into substance misuse; an occurrence arising more frequently. Multi-agency working adopted numerous measures over time in an attempt to keep both mum and child safer, however, efforts proved futile because mum, failing to understand the significance of the concerns, continuously†¦show more content†¦In the case study, the child’s Maternal Grandfather attended a meeting with my Superior to put himself forward as a carer, and obtain further information about what the care process entails. Appointed to conduct the Grandfather’s s creening, a fellow student and I were also present, although our role at this particular meeting was solely on listening to, and understanding, the basis behind the debriefing. The meeting concluded with a further appointment arranged to gain in-depth answers to specific questions in order to formulate an evidence-based verdict as to whether the child would be better off living with her Grandfather. Initial responses to the incident On seeing the Grandfather, my initial thought was that the child should unquestionably be allowed to reside with her Grandfather. This concept arose because the duo allegedly already shared a close relationship, and the Grandfather presented as a kindly and respectable person who could properly tend to the child’s needs. During the meeting, the depth of love the Grandfather had for his Grandchild became apparent in his body language, how he spoke and him commenting that he saw the child every day of her life. In light of the bond, I could empathise with how difficult and frightening the prospect of separation must be, as well as relate with the frustration and annoyanceShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesdemarcate historical epochs, the twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. 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